courses for children

boy doing homework in english

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the perfect approach

Fun English for the little ones

start learning english the sooner the better? Yeahbut don't be fooled. For the little ones to really take advantage they need a number minimum working hours a week, classes tailored to your skill level and a perfectly qualified teachers.

At TEK we combine all these elements in one pleasant, fun and stimulating environment with materials that will make learning is a game. But we don't stop there, we want the little ones to come home wanting to play with our app and keep learning.

Like older students, the little ones must also work with clear objectives that are given to us by Cambridge through the levels Starters, Movers and Flyers. So even the little ones in the center will be working to get a cambridge medal at the end of the year.

We know this is all a lot of information, so we encourage you to come see it for yourself at our center.

You can also download our brochure here: TEK Language Center Young Learners

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